Twitch streamers who want to improve interaction, visibility, and profitability should take some time to look at their Twitch recap 2023. A Twitch recap can provide a lot of useful information that will help you improve in 2024. 

The first place to go is to the Stream Summary page in the creator dashboard. It holds all the data for your streams, including an overview and specific data for each stream. 

Track and Compare

In looking at a Twitch recap 2023, you first need to track your performance for the last month compared to January 2023. You should then set some custom ranges to compare how you grew over time during the past year. 

Suggested ranges should include three months at a time to see where your strengths were in a calendar year. You may want to pinpoint a specific time when you put a lot of effort into your streams and compare it to a time when you were on vacation or more lax. This can be a great encouragement to you that your efforts matter and will show you just how much they affect your streaming audience. 

It’s important to identify peaks and valleys in performance and correlate those to events causing them. For instance, was there an event you used to spark interest? What did you do differently? Did you lapse in creating streams? All these are important answers to look at in your Twitch recap. 

Another important comparison is between stream to stream in your Twitch recap 2023. Some streams draw more impressions, engagement, and visibility than others but there will be a pattern. Identifying a pattern with your audience tells you what they want from you over the next year. 

Look at Engagement

You should also look at your engagement and reply rate for your Twitch recap 2023. This is highly important because engagement is the number one element in visibility on a growing platform like Twitch. You should know the type of streams people respond to but there is another crucial element that should garner your attention. It is the amount of interaction you have with your audience. 

A streamer’s interaction with their audience is a strong indicator of success. People who post to any stream want to know the streamer is paying attention to them and that what they say is important. They feel that connection when you interact with them. Your interaction prompts more interaction from them and others. That makes your stream more interesting and popular. 

Gaining Insight

Looking at your Twich recap, you should be able to determine which videos or images drew the most response, which streams people were most interested in, how you can improve your interaction rate, and how to better avoid visibility dips over the next year. It helps you plan your content calendar so you can take your stream to the next level in 2024. 

Looking at data doesn’t seem exciting but it can be when you uncover all a Twitch recap includes that can help you achieve better success. It has all kinds of hidden gems that can help you soar in 2024!